A downloadable tool

Add a circular lit torch effect or a flashlight effect to the game map, with smooth, visible areas around the player. Can be used to create artificial darkness with a light source for the player.

This plugin adds a lit torch in the darkness effect and a flashlight effect to the game map, with smooth visible areas around the player. To activate the torch effect on a specific map, add <Torch> in the map's note box.

To activate the flashlight effect on a specific map, add <Flashlight> in the map's note box.

Terms of Use:

 This plugin is free for use in both commercial and non-commercial RPG Maker projects.


TileLightSource.js 4.1 kB

Install instructions

Simply download and place the plugin file to `YourGame/js/plugins`. In the Plugins Manager add it and set up the parameters per your wish.

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